Our Little Pumpkin Patch

This evening was the perfect evening to go pumpkin picking. The weather was cool and the sunlight was perfect. Amelia and Owen had been asking for days to carve pumpkins and roast the seeds. So shopping we went. Immediately when we let them out of the van they went running. Amelia insisted on picking out the largest because she is the “Big Sister” and that meant Owen’s needed to be a little smaller. So we spent awhile letting them pick out the perfect one. It was great to see them trying to try and walk off with a pumpkin that they could barely lift. Our one rule was…you can only buy what you can carry which meant they had to downsize just  a tad. After picking out their pumpkins then they got to help Mom pick out some mums for the front porch. They loved helping carry them to the car and then getting to place them on the front porch.  All in all we had a great evening. Unfortunately we didn’t get to carve the pumpkins this evening because it was getting late, so we decided to save that for another evening. Hope you enjoy all the pics as much as we do. Chad did a great job.

~ by huggablenurse77 on October 11, 2009.

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